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000004_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Sun Mar 1 06:26:32 1998.msg
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>From amos-request@svcs1.digex.net Sun Mar 1 06:26:32 1998
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Sun, 1 Mar 1998 10:59:06 +0100
From: Jens Vang Petersen <top_cat@post8.tele.dk>
To: Cori Skagen <cskagen@ican.net>, amos-list@access.digex.net
Date: Sun, 01 Mar 1998 10:58:17 +0100
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Subject: Re: My wishlist for AmosPro 3.0
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On 28-Feb-98, Cori Skagen smashed the keyboard with:
> Hello everyone,
> here's a few of the things that I would like to see in the next version of
> AmosPro
> 1. Full integrated intuition support
> I feel this is the most important aspect that kills AmosPro as is now. This
> should be fully integrated, no more custom screens that aren't intuition
> compatible, this includes the editor, and file requester, menus, sliders
I know I've comented on this before, I agree it would be nice to run the
itselve in a true intuition system. As for the program we write I think an
excelent way of doing Intuition is the OS DevKit or the upcomming GUI
why not simply consider the new GUI extension as 'standard' it's even written
by the same guy :) (I don't know how much the editor/finished programs is
linked together with screens, so it might be both or none for intuition..)
> 2. AGA and RTG support
> If intuition is supported properly, then these should be relatively easy to
> do, and no seperate commands for AGA and non-aga, or intuition or
> stuff, this is inefficient.
100 % Agree, AGA is given with intuition support, RTG should be placed as a
couple of extra commands opening for work on 2.04 (No RTG in that)..
> 3. Bug Fixes and optimizations
> the random crash bugs should be fixed of course, but please don't forget
> other bugs like the dual-playfield bug, the 3.1 interlace bugs, ect.
Priority no. 1, this is the MOST importaint thing to do at first..
> 4. New and current commands
> Certain comands in AmosPro aren't really needed anymore, such as the STOS
> compatible commands, some people may not agree here but: The interface
> language sucks, I still prefer to make interface myself, the icon commands
> rendudant since the bob commands do everything the icon commands do, and
> certain sprite and bob commands are repeated.
> A new sort command would be nice allowing the start and end point of an
> array to be sorted.
> A fast zoom command.
> Time and date commands (why these weren't there from the begining I'll
> never know)
> I think the current command list could be looked at, I'm sure everybody
> agree there are some commands that are either useless or redundant.
When moving to intuition-screens (2.0+) you get a very good and free gift from
the GAD-TOOLS library, the central aspects of GUI extension relies on this :)
But for people (like me) doing step-by-step convertions of programs to run
on intuition it would be nice to keep the interface, I just don't see any
for using time to debug that part, as I'm actualy using some bugs in those
commands to make interfaces in an easier way :)) Removing commands would
interfer with the 'token-list' of the main library, so I don't think it would
be wise to begin to do this..
> 5. Standard intution compatiable menus and file-requesters, I know I
> mentioned them before, but these are important.
GADtools.library and ASL delivers those on OS2.04+, and should be very easy
to implement (Runs great from GUI, OS DevKit and Intuition extensions :))
> 6. Optimized compiling
> The compiler needs omptimizing but I'm sure everyone will agree with
> Perhaps processor specific code?
YEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, THATZ right, and making smaller code-output would be very
too, a switch to 2.0+ intuition-screens should reduce the size of compiled
by huge amount, as all the screen-control could be handled by the standard
libraries (intuition.library, graphics.library, exec.library..)...
> 7. AmigaDos 2.0+ or even 3.0+
> I know there has been debate about this lately, but if your still using
> 1.3, then stick with amosPro2.0, or upgrade your ROM
Uhh, 3.0 is proberly to ambitious, there are many people having an 'old'
amiga next to their PeeCee, and it would be stupid to push them away, that's
also why I still think it should be posible to make programs that can run
on 1.3, but I guess I'm outnumbered there... :( Besides the basics of
2.0 and 3.0 is very much the same, the major inovations with 3.0 was
the datatypes and RTG. And it should be easy to avoid 3.0 specific
functions in the basics..
Here's a couple of my own wishes:
gadtools.library support direct from commands, sort of like the OSDevKit,
where gadgets can be defined like:
_gt Button NR,X,Y,W,H,FLAGS,TEXT$
for a simple button, makes it easier to create your interface while
working out the basics..
locale.library support (No further explination needed :)
fileid.library support :)
The last two could be included in, say, the IO-Devices extension or
another standard extension :)
(The locale extension for locale.library works just great, but it's a
bit stupid to use an entire extension-slot for so little commands)
Kind regards from
/_ __/ __ / __ /\ ___\ __ \__ _\ aka. JENS VANG
/ / / /_/ / ____/ \ \___\ __ \ \ \
/_/ /_____/_/ \_____\_\ \_\ \_\
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